Wednesday, June 13, 2007


1 Sam 17 v 47: All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or by spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lords, and he will give all of you into our hands

No matter how big my “Goliath” may seem to me – God is SO much bigger and so much greater than anything I may be facing. The Battle is the Lords!! Plain ans simple. It has already been won for me. I will never lose my faith in Him for He has not once left me.

Like that song previously posted said about Him being there, when David faced Goliath. David must have been scared to death!!! But he was strong and he had power because he knew GOD WAS WITH HIM. And Abraham also knew that God had a reason and a purpose for everything and even as he and Isaac were going the place to offer a sacrifice and Isaac asked where the ram was Abraham told him God would provide for them. He knew that he knew that he KNEW in his heart of hearts that God would not forsake him.

I know that all things work together for the glory of God and when I face trials of many kinds and my faith is tested it develops perseverance (James 1v3). And perseverance must finish it's work so that I will be mature and complete and not lacking anything. I may not understand why things happen – but I know that I know that I KNOW that Greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world.

Thank You Father for being there for me through everything. You are the Giant Slayer in me, and You are my comfort.


Brigitte said...
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AngelConradie said...

i love you tons my sis!

A Captured Reflection said...

I love your tenacity, that holding on, gripping on to God. Yes you are so right, thanks for the encouragement!

Julie said...


Glad I found you. I'm holding onto God - alone with a broken heart - a promise - and 3 kids to raise..... You have encouraged me today.

Julie x