As they tightly strapped each wrist
With a hellish look, stood a strong armed soldier
Whip clenched in his fist
Laced with chips of bone they beat him hard
From his shoulders to his feet
And it sliced right through his olive skin
Just like razors through a sheet

As each inhuman lash was given
Several times his knees gave way
As his flesh just hung in ribbons
And surprisingly he turned his head
Though the words he used were few.
A soldier’s face turned pale when he said
“This blood is for you.”
Uncaringly they tossed a garment
Across his weakened form
And his blood pressure fell deathly low
As the crowds began to swarm

As his face they punched and smacked
While the splinters from the criss-cross beam
Dug deep into his back
Through lack of sleep and dehydration
His tongue began to swell
And weakened by his loss of blood
This prophet teacher fell

On a man named Simon’s shoe
And as he bent to wipe if off
The prophet looked and said
“Simon, this blood is for you.”
Then they pounded a spike through
The bones in his wrists
Bursting arteries and veins
And as they dropped the cross
Into the hole they’d dug
His body convulsed with pain

That never a soul shall find
He tilts his face towards heaven
With full control of his mind
With more love than any human heard
Before that time or since
He made a statement that to this day
Makes the strongest skeptic wince
He cried “Father God Forgive them,
For they know not what they do!”
And as he gave his life for those
Lost in sin, he was saying:
“This blood is for you.”

Heal the sick, mend the heart
This blood can give you access
To the very throne of God
And it still can go the distance
Through the pain to where you are
This blood is for you….
The atoning, cleansing blood of the lamb

I cannot think of the day Jesus died for me without getting tears in my eyes, not because he died (because I know he lives!!), but because he suffered, was humiliated, spat on, mocked and nailed to a cross for me I am so not worthy of such a sacrifice. My heart is wicked, as any human beings is - yet Jesus, who's heart was without spot or blemish went meekly as a lamb to the cross for me. It just humbles me every time I think about it. This song by Carmen is the song that led to my salvation many, many years ago - I pray that these words will stir in your heart the amazing revelation of the sacrifice made for you too.
To everyblogger reading this today - may you have a blessed Easter and may you truly feel the love of Jesus in your life today because of what he did that day on the cross for you too.
Thank you Jesus for the blood you shed for my sins. That I may have everlasting life with you.
Blimey Spookie, this is truly spookie! I've just completed my own post and here is yours on the very topic. What amazes me is your prayer that it will stir in our hearts "the amazing revelation of the sacrifice made for" me!!
Be well and have a great Easter.
thank you spookie- this is a truly beautiful and heart wrenching post! definitely something to make me sit up and think a bit!
teehee, talk about coming back with a bang!
Thank you Jesus that Your blood is still flowing, still cleansing and still healing.
Have a blessed time over Easter spookie.
Love Blue.
With love to you and your family for a Blessed and Joyous Easter. There is something specifically for you over at my blog. xox
You are a lovely lady, filled with integrity and 'grit' for want of a better word - grit in the most beautiful, faith holding on sense. Thanks for sharing this and making me think further and deeper.
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