This is waht Durban beach front looks like now after the last two days of "High Tide" which was apparently caused by the earth, sun and moon being in alignment, which doesn't happen either. So the gravitaional pull was much stronger hence the destruction on the beach front. These high tides hit from Port Elizabeth right through to Maputo.
Wow that's some destruction there Spookie, looks like it took a real battering. The sea is so incredible, can look so peaceful and tranquil and then burst into fury. Thank you for adding photos to show what it's like where you are.
Hoping you are okay and still keeping you very much in my prayers, sweet one.
pretty incredible innit! just brings home again to me that no matter how smart and powerful we think we are... god is stronger!
The powers of the Universe amaze me. We've got nothing on that kind of energy!
Wonderful pics.
Hello My China ~ This is a huge, big, humungous wave (appropriate to the post) to say I am back. As much as I would love to scroll back over the month I have been away, time just doesn't allow for that kind of indulgence at the moment. I am however so sorry I missed your verjaarsdag - but I won't for next year, that's for certain. Thank you for your constant contact - I have missed you too and your visits have been much appreciated. Love you, as always my budvo. xox
How rude - I know I left a comment here before but it seems Blogger ate it. Again. I wanted to say thanks for the pics - we had massive tide differences over here too but nothing as destructive as there.
Wow! That is terrible. Nature can be so devastating.
High Spooks - Missed Ya!!!! Thanks for the pics. My uncle also sent us pics from Richards Bay - The devistation was very visible there too!~!
Wow! That is some weather! It is raining ferociously here in Auckland today, and has been all night, seems there is some wild weather being forewarned. Cold, chilly...
Wishing you a wonderful weekend my friendy. Hope alles is goed. BIG hugs. xox
Hi Spookie, just popped in to say Hello & hope you're ok?
Missing you dear Spookie. How are things going?
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