And they start by saying “imagine having tea with so and so”, or “sitting down to dinner with such and such”. And the I know that one of the people you could have tea with is Mandela, in fact he is there biggest “promotion” point in this competition. And the one DJ was saying how it would be so wonderful to just sit with Mandela – even if they didn’t speak to each other, just to sit with him and be with him would be just so amazing. And my first thought was, “Imagine having tea with Jesus!” for me to be able to just sit with Jesus and bask in His love and just be with Him – even if we didn’t speak, that to me would be like becoming all I ever dreamed of becoming, going everyplace I ever dreamed of going and knowing everything I have only dreamed of knowing.
I can just see Him and I sitting in a garden at a pretty with a beautiful porcelain tea set and the yummiest nibbly things you can imagine, but none of that would matter - because He would be there.
I would be sitting right beside Him – at His feet even or maybe on His lap, like alittle girl with her daddy. And He wouldn’t mind because He loves me so much. And we wouldn’t discuss politics, in fact conversation as we know it wouldn’t be necessary because He would speak straight to my heart. Imagine having tea with Jesus, just for a minute – wherever you are right now, imagine it. Wouldn’t that just be awesome?
You see people place their hope and faith in people and they are bound to be disappointed because people mess up, no exceptions. And when I heard this DJ dreaming about having tea with Mandela – which, yes, probably would be great, I mean I admire Mandela a lot too, I was saddened that so many people would rather spend time with earthly things than with the Lord. Be it in prayer, or worship or even just in sitting with Him quietly while you read your Bible or meditate on a verse or admire His glorious creation. It made me sad that most people get excited about other people instead of getting excited about Jesus – the only one who will never disappoint you or let you down.
So I challenge you again, imagine just for a moment having tea on a warm sunny afternoon with Jesus, your Saviour.
that would be awesome!
what a fabulous idea!
i think if i met him- i'd be one of those people who gawk and giggle like a lunatic and can't say a word that makes sense!
you know what happens when you meet someone you admire- all your life you've been planning exactly how it would go if you ever met and what you would say and how cool you would be, and when it happens... it doesn't go how you want it to at all!
then you spend the rest of your life saying "i shoulda just...!" and blushing furiously!
A lovely idea. I would love to spend time with Jesus in a forest or wood with open areas of grassland, just enjoying creation with him, listening to the birds singing, smelling the flora and feeling the warmth of the sun whilst sitting quietly. I think to be able to enjoy creation with the creator Himself would be amazing. Funny thing is, I do sometimes anyway. I feel him there as I enjoy sitting on the beach enjoying the scent of the salty air.
Amen. I could even burp and He'd think that was the greatest.
Spookie that post reminds me of one of my very favourite songs by Leeland . Its called "Carried to the Table". I've posted some words. And your picture is of my dinner set!!!
Wounded and forsaken
I was shattered by the fall
Broken and forgotten
Feeling lost and all alone
Summoned by the King
Into the Master’s courts
Lifted by the Savior
And cradled in His arms
I was carried to the table
Seated where I don’t belong
Carried to the table
Swept away by His love
And I don’t see my brokenness anymore
When I’m seated at the table of the Lord
I’m carried to the table
The table of the Lord
Thanks for sharing the 'clean heart post', it actually sounds exciting, because the Holy Spirit is speaking specifically to you on this subject..oh to explain sounds vague. Joyce Meyer (one of my favs) was saying how the Holy Spirit would challenge her and she'd think - hey bud is doing this or that, and you don't challenge them on it!, but she recognised that God was doing a unique and specific work in her, to prepare her for certain things in the future and she was to listen to his voice. This is what your post made me think of. Always an inspiration Spookie and wonderfully honest.
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