Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I have been so very honored these past few days. Dawn nominated me for the Thinking Blogger Award, which I saw over the long weekend. And this morning I saw that Karen nominated me too!! I have been so humbled by these nominations and I feel so happy and proud at the same time. Both these ladies brought tears to my eyes with their wonderful nominations. This is my first ever blog award of any kind - and I am SO thrilled that it is the Thinking Blogger award!
Thank you Dawn and Karen, I truly am moved by this award from you. It means alot to me. I will now attempt to follow the instructions for this and nominate some bloggers myself.

Now, here's the rules:

If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that you would consider worthy of this award.

Link to This post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.

Optional - Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote. Here is an alternative
Silver version if Gold doesn't fit your blog.

And I nominate the following bloggers:
Gail - from Blessed Be Thy Name.
Like me she is a worshipper at heart - and it comes through in her writing. Her worshippers heart comes through in the way she lives. One day she and I will go and see Matt Redman together!!
Lily - from Lily's Love Story.
She is a very strong young woman. Stronger than she realises, and I am very happy that the Lord led me to her precious blog. Her honesty in her writing is sometimes heart wrenching, but as she grows she grows stronger in her faith and closer to the Lord
Lynn - from Spiritually Unequal Marriage
This lady has been such an encouragement and consolation to me. Her constant prayers and love and encouragement has given me a renewed strength in Christ. I know as she does that God has a dream for each marriage and because of her I ma seeking out God's dream for my marriage.
Debra - from Soul Reflections
This is a lady with a deep rooted faith and a love for the Lord. Her posts often bring me a sense of peace. And her comments also encourage and bring peace. She brings both laughter and tears to my day with her posts.
Diane - from Praying For Your Prodigal
This is a woman of prayer. I don't know what else to say about her. She prays constantly for her prodigals as well as for those of others. I am always encouraged when I know she is praying with me knowing what it is like to pray for a prodigal.
Then, to change the subject just a little....
Today is my 9th anniversary!!!
Happy and I are married 9 years today. I must say when we got married, 10 years seemed like a lifetime away - and yet here we are at 9 years and it doesn't feel like 9 years. I am happy and he still makes me laugh and gives me butterflies in my tummy.
9 years is the Pottery anniversary. So I am taking this opportunity to take the clay that is my marriage and place in the Potters Hands.
Lord Jesus, take my marriage and begin to form it and mold it into the dream you have for us. Mold me Lord to be the wife who would be a crown to her husband and a loving gentle mother. Thank you Father for my husband. He loves me passionately and with all he has and I know it and see it in his eyes. Continue to bless our marriage Lord and keep the cords of love that bind us together strong and tight.
In Jesus name


A Captured Reflection said...

It was an honour to nominate you :-)

Happy 9th Anniversary, have a wonderful celebration. We recently celebrated our 8th anniversary and couldn't believe we'd been a couple for 10 years.

Love and hugs.

Soul Reflections said...

Oh Spookie, you're such a dear one. Thanks for the nomination and as soon as I get time I'll follow up. God bless your marriage. Don't forget that HE will make it stronger. Watch soon for a post about my marriage. Ooodles of love to you, girl.

Dawn said...

I came over here from Diane's site - another Dawn. Happy anniversary! I love the poem you posted for Easter. I alluded to the sermon "It's Friday, but Sunday's a'Coming'" that was originally preached by a black pastor and then quoted by Tony Campolo - a great thought!!

Blessings on you today as you celebrate.

gail said...

Doing the Snoopy "Happy Dance " at the nomination!!! Thank you:)

Spookie, Happy Anniversary. Celebrate with Happy nine year well lived.God Bless you both.
Love Gail

Ashok Kizhepat said...
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Unknown said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY HAPPY AND SPOOKIE!!!! You deserve all the happiness in the world. Lots of blessings to you and your happy family. All our love, Dawn, DDTF & Ross xox

Tiffany said...

Yay!!! Happy anniversary :) That must be awesome to have had 9 special years with someone you love. I'm still waiting to get married, and it's people like you that make me see the joy in marriage.

Thanks for the nomination! I was completely blown away. I will definitely put up my nominations over this weekend.

AngelConradie said...

wow! congratulations! you so deserve it sis- to put it mildly, you take my blinkers off on a regular basis!
and congratulations on your anniversary!

Diane Viere said...

Thanks for the nomination! Isn't this blogging community just the best!?!? I am daily blessed by our community. It is at the top of my list of things to be thankful for this Thankful Thursday.

And your nomination is simply the icing on an already fabulous cake!
