Thursday, April 19, 2007


Last night at our prayer meeting, our Elder read a passage from a devotional book – I cannot remember the books title or author right now, it was about being ready for God. But one line that stood out for me more than anything else was this

“Jesus expects to use us the same way God used him”

And you know, we can expect to be used. We must not disqualify ourselves because of our circumstances, whatever they are. God can use us right where we are, right now. And we need to be ready and expectant of it. We need to be faithful in the very little we have now and then we will be able to be faithful with much later.
We can’t have the attitude of “wait till I make my million Lord – watch me work for you then.” Or “Wait till I have my own house Lord, then I can do what I want to do for you.”
No, God is watching us now, and He can and wants to use us now.

Jesus expects to use you, the same way God used Him, so be expectant, be open and know that God doesn’t call the equipped. He equips the called. We are all equipped and qualified by Him. We are all part of the Royal Priesthood because of Him. So be expectant, be ready so that when God says to you “go” then you can go without hesitation.

Imagine an athlete training for a race. He works hard training and getting his body into shape and his muscles stretched and supple. Just before the race starts he is there behind the starting line ready, and waiting and keeping his muscles warmed up so that when the official says the word and he can get into his starting block he knows that when the gun goes off or the official says GO he can go with all his might and he can finish strong too.

We are like that athlete and our training is our quiet time and our prayer time and no matter how long we may have to train we must keep training and waiting behind that start line so that when God says we can move into the starting block and when He tells us to go we are ready and well trained to GO and to finish strong.

So, be expectant and keep training, because when God tells you to GO, you want to be able to GO!!!



Soul Reflections said...

Yes, ma'am.

gail said...

Sorry Spookie, I haven't read your post yet but I see that Mr. Redman is appearing in the US with Joyce Meyer,then in France, Hong Kong, Korea and Japan.Just check your diary and see if any of the dates on his web site suit you and I'll do the same :)

A Captured Reflection said...

Great post! I know you often here people say- I will do this and that, when I don't live here, work here, am going through this, or that or the other and we have all done it that's for sure. Thank you for the great reminder!

AngelConradie said...

spookie- another winning post i think! truly inspired!