Tuesday, April 24, 2007
People need to know what the Word says. Jesus said you cannot love Him but hate your brother – then you don’t love Him! If you are angry at your brother you have already committed murder in your heart. If you look on another person with lust you have already committed adultery in your heart!!
Jesus looks at your heart! What goes on in there is what counts to Him – not your actions!! To the world actions speak louder than anything – but to God your heart reveals the real you.
“The worth and excellency of a soul is to be measured by the object of its love” Henry Scougal
What is the object of your hearts love? Is it money? Is it sex? Is it power? Or is it Jesus?
You can hide what is in your heart from the world – for a time…..
But you ca NEVER hide what is in your heart from God. He is the Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent – all knowing, all powerful, ever present God. Even the dark is like daylight to Him.
Pornography is an evil trick of the devil. Convincing you its ok because you are only watching. When you watch pornography you may as well invite another person physically into your bedroom, because your are letting them into your mind and heart. Don’t allow satan to trick you by telling you the World says it’s ok!! By God’s standards it is not ok, it is immoral and wrong. Why do you think He destroyed Sodom and Gomorra? They were an evil, immoral people. Thank God he sent Jesus to die for our sins, because I shudder to imagine what kind of wrath He would rain down on us today for the way we live.
I have such a righteous anger within me today because of this evil, horrible, disease that man has made. Sex is supposed to be an intimate, personal and beautiful thing between to MARRIED not “consenting” people. And the World has turned it into a dirty, sordid, addictive, drug. Women are used as sex symbols to sell everything!
We need to educate our children against this worldly way of looking at sex. Teach them that Pornography is wrong, it is evil. Teach them God’s way and teach them that Jesus is the only way. And true happiness can only be found in Him, by His standards. Let’s not allow this filth to reach our children. Protect them and raise them under God.
Let Jesus be the object of your hearts love!!!!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
“Jesus expects to use us the same way God used him”
And you know, we can expect to be used. We must not disqualify ourselves because of our circumstances, whatever they are. God can use us right where we are, right now. And we need to be ready and expectant of it. We need to be faithful in the very little we have now and then we will be able to be faithful with much later.
We can’t have the attitude of “wait till I make my million Lord – watch me work for you then.” Or “Wait till I have my own house Lord, then I can do what I want to do for you.”
No, God is watching us now, and He can and wants to use us now.
Jesus expects to use you, the same way God used Him, so be expectant, be open and know that God doesn’t call the equipped. He equips the called. We are all equipped and qualified by Him. We are all part of the Royal Priesthood because of Him. So be expectant, be ready so that when God says to you “go” then you can go without hesitation.
Imagine an athlete training for a race. He works hard training and getting his body into shape and his muscles stretched and supple. Just before the race starts he is there behind the starting line ready, and waiting and keeping his muscles warmed up so that when the official says the word and he can get into his starting block he knows that when the gun goes off or the official says GO he can go with all his might and he can finish strong too.
We are like that athlete and our training is our quiet time and our prayer time and no matter how long we may have to train we must keep training and waiting behind that start line so that when God says we can move into the starting block and when He tells us to go we are ready and well trained to GO and to finish strong.
So, be expectant and keep training, because when God tells you to GO, you want to be able to GO!!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
HERE WITH ME – by Mercy Me
I long for Your embrace, every single day.
To meet You in this place and see You face to face
Will You show me, reveal Yourself to me?
Because of Your mercy, I fall down on my knees!
And I can feel Your presence here with me
Suddenly I’m lost within Your beauty.
Caught up in the wonder of Your touch
Here in this moment I surrender to Your love
You’re everywhere I go, I am not alone.
You call me as Your own to know You and be known
You are Holy, and I fall down on my knees
And I can feel Your presence here with me
Suddenly I’m lost within your beauty.
Caught up in the wonder of Your touch
Here in this moment I surrender to Your love
I surrender to Your Grace
I surrender to the one who took my place
And I can feel Your presence here with me
Suddenly I’m lost within your beauty.
Caught up in the wonder of Your touch
Here in this moment I surrender to Your love
This song has been in my heart all day!!
I will really try sometime to get to your blogs - just too busy
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
I want to be a voice, a light, a servant – everything just for Him – boop boop beedoop, Ooh!
Here I am Lord – send (use) me!
Monday, April 16, 2007

All I know is last night I could not sleep until I had gone on my knees before my God and asked Him to forgive me for slipping back, to create in me a clean heart (the prayer David prayed) and to strengthen me against temptation. And I know that He has heard my prayer and forgiven me and cleansed me. And I know that I need not justify or explaine myself to anyone but God - I just feel that as a person who holds her faith and her God so high in her life, and to whom other people often look for an example, I have not been a very good one lately. I know we all fall short and make mistakes, and I am so thankful that I have a God who loves me no matter what and who has forgiven me and cleansed me.
I guess what I am trying to say is, everyone has a moment where they slip back into old ways or thoughts, and for everyone it is something different. What is so amazing is the forgiveness we already have in Jesus, He loves and forgives us no matter what. And for that I am grateful. Eternally grateful.
I feel like I am just babbling senselessly here so I will stop now, but I urge you if you are feeling convicted in your heart because of something you did which you know is not right before the Lord (remembering there is no in between, no grey area in God's eyes) then call on Him right now for forgiveness and ask him to create a clean heart in you too. He will forgive you - I can promise you that!

Thursday, April 12, 2007
And they start by saying “imagine having tea with so and so”, or “sitting down to dinner with such and such”. And the I know that one of the people you could have tea with is Mandela, in fact he is there biggest “promotion” point in this competition. And the one DJ was saying how it would be so wonderful to just sit with Mandela – even if they didn’t speak to each other, just to sit with him and be with him would be just so amazing. And my first thought was, “Imagine having tea with Jesus!” for me to be able to just sit with Jesus and bask in His love and just be with Him – even if we didn’t speak, that to me would be like becoming all I ever dreamed of becoming, going everyplace I ever dreamed of going and knowing everything I have only dreamed of knowing.
I can just see Him and I sitting in a garden at a pretty with a beautiful porcelain tea set and the yummiest nibbly things you can imagine, but none of that would matter - because He would be there.
I would be sitting right beside Him – at His feet even or maybe on His lap, like alittle girl with her daddy. And He wouldn’t mind because He loves me so much. And we wouldn’t discuss politics, in fact conversation as we know it wouldn’t be necessary because He would speak straight to my heart. Imagine having tea with Jesus, just for a minute – wherever you are right now, imagine it. Wouldn’t that just be awesome?
You see people place their hope and faith in people and they are bound to be disappointed because people mess up, no exceptions. And when I heard this DJ dreaming about having tea with Mandela – which, yes, probably would be great, I mean I admire Mandela a lot too, I was saddened that so many people would rather spend time with earthly things than with the Lord. Be it in prayer, or worship or even just in sitting with Him quietly while you read your Bible or meditate on a verse or admire His glorious creation. It made me sad that most people get excited about other people instead of getting excited about Jesus – the only one who will never disappoint you or let you down.
So I challenge you again, imagine just for a moment having tea on a warm sunny afternoon with Jesus, your Saviour.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Thank you Dawn and Karen, I truly am moved by this award from you. It means alot to me. I will now attempt to follow the instructions for this and nominate some bloggers myself.
If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that you would consider worthy of this award.
Optional - Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote. Here is an alternative Silver version if Gold doesn't fit your blog.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Also written by Carmen – this paints a pretty vivid picture….
The demons were planning on
having a party one night
Yea they were.
They got beer, Jack Daniels, some pretzels
a little red wine and some white.
They were celebrating how they crucified
Christ on that tree.
But Satan – the snake himself
wasn’t so at ease.
Well he took his crooked finger and
he dialed the phone by his bed
Yea he did.
To call an old faithful friend who’d know
for sure if is He was dead.
He said “Grave, Grave tell me,
did my plan fail?”
Old Grave just laughed and said
“Oh man. The dude is dead as nails.”
On Friday night they crucified the Lord on Calvary
But He said “Don’t dread, in 3 days
I’m gonna live again, you’ll see.”
When problems try to bury you
and make it hard to pray
it may seem like Friday night….
But Sunday’s on the way!
A tranquiliser and a horror flick
could not calm Satan’s fear.
So Saturday night he calls up the Grave
scared of what he’d hear.
“Hey Grave, what’s goin on?”
Grave said “Man look, you’ve called me twice.
And I’ll tell you one more again boss,
the Jew’s on ice.”
The devil said “Hey Grave, do you remember
when old Lazarus was in his grave?
You see, everything was cool, but then four days later
boom – old Lazarus he was raised.
Now this Jesus He is much more trouble than
anyone has ever been to me – and look Grave
He’s got ol’ devil shook, cause this man said He
only gonna be dead for three.”
On Friday night they crucified the Lord on Calvary
But He said “Don’t dread, in 3 days
I’m gonna live again, you’ll see.”
When problems try to bury you
and make it hard to pray
it may seem like Friday night….
But Sunday’s on the way!
Sunday morning Satan woke with a jump
ready to blow a fuse.
He was shaking from the tips of his pointed ears
to the toes of his pointy shoes.
He said “Grave tell me is He alive? I don’t
wanna lose my neck.”
And Grave said “Your evilness, maintain your cool
Devil – you are a wreck!”
Grave said “Cool your jets Big D, my sting is still
in tact. You see Jesus is dead forever, take it from
the Grave brother – He ain’t never coming back. So just
ummm, mellow out man, just go drink up or shoot up
but look devil, just leave old grave alone.
Right homey, I’ll catch you la…
Oh no…
OH NO!!!
Then the stone was rolled away
and it bounced a time or two.
And an angel stepped inside and said
“Yo, I’m Gabriel, who are you?
If you’re wondering where the Lord is at this very hour,
I tell you He’s alive and well with RESURRECTION POWER!!!!”
On Friday night they crucified the Lord on Calvary
But He said “Don’t dread” He said “In 3 days
you can even count them boys,
I’m gonna be King again, you’ll see!”
When problems try to bury you
and make it hard to pray.
It may seem like Friday night….
but I said Sunday…
I’m here to tell you Sunday..
The devil hates Sunday -
Cause Jesus rose from the grave
on a Sunday Morning
And Sunday is here to stay!!
I trust you all had a very blessed and special Easter. Remembering not only that Jesus died for us – but more importantly that He ROSE from the grave. He conquered sin and death, and that is why we will have life everlasting with Him!!
Praise the Lord!!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
As they tightly strapped each wrist
With a hellish look, stood a strong armed soldier
Whip clenched in his fist
Laced with chips of bone they beat him hard
From his shoulders to his feet
And it sliced right through his olive skin
Just like razors through a sheet

As each inhuman lash was given
Several times his knees gave way
As his flesh just hung in ribbons
And surprisingly he turned his head
Though the words he used were few.
A soldier’s face turned pale when he said
“This blood is for you.”
Uncaringly they tossed a garment
Across his weakened form
And his blood pressure fell deathly low
As the crowds began to swarm

As his face they punched and smacked
While the splinters from the criss-cross beam
Dug deep into his back
Through lack of sleep and dehydration
His tongue began to swell
And weakened by his loss of blood
This prophet teacher fell

On a man named Simon’s shoe
And as he bent to wipe if off
The prophet looked and said
“Simon, this blood is for you.”
Then they pounded a spike through
The bones in his wrists
Bursting arteries and veins
And as they dropped the cross
Into the hole they’d dug
His body convulsed with pain

That never a soul shall find
He tilts his face towards heaven
With full control of his mind
With more love than any human heard
Before that time or since
He made a statement that to this day
Makes the strongest skeptic wince
He cried “Father God Forgive them,
For they know not what they do!”
And as he gave his life for those
Lost in sin, he was saying:
“This blood is for you.”

Heal the sick, mend the heart
This blood can give you access
To the very throne of God
And it still can go the distance
Through the pain to where you are
This blood is for you….
The atoning, cleansing blood of the lamb

I cannot think of the day Jesus died for me without getting tears in my eyes, not because he died (because I know he lives!!), but because he suffered, was humiliated, spat on, mocked and nailed to a cross for me I am so not worthy of such a sacrifice. My heart is wicked, as any human beings is - yet Jesus, who's heart was without spot or blemish went meekly as a lamb to the cross for me. It just humbles me every time I think about it. This song by Carmen is the song that led to my salvation many, many years ago - I pray that these words will stir in your heart the amazing revelation of the sacrifice made for you too.
To everyblogger reading this today - may you have a blessed Easter and may you truly feel the love of Jesus in your life today because of what he did that day on the cross for you too.
Thank you Jesus for the blood you shed for my sins. That I may have everlasting life with you.