Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Ok, so I am still feeling broody, and it's really not nice. The last time I felt like this my hubby got me a kitten - but now we are not allowed any pets so...
I know it will pass, but it is horrible while I feel like this. Last night I even cried because of it - poor Happy, I can't explain to him how it feels. Can anybody put Broody into words??
Anyway, enough of that silly business.

Donovan is loving school. But he has started sleep walking. He walks around and talks and comes to me in my room and tells me all sorts of mumbo jumbo stories in his sleep. I am getting very tired because of it cause I wake up every time - he doesn't.

I called his teacher and asked her about it but she says he is fine in class and is coping well. He talks alot, but that's Donovan, but he's doing well. She said that it's possible his brain isn't "switching off" when he goes to bed and so he is dreaming about his work and so on. Cause all his conversations with me in his sleep is about school work and colouring in and stuff.
I don't know how to stop it from happening, it's getting a a bit much now and I am getting more and more tired. Sometimes it happens two or three times a night. And he has even started going into Mark's room.

So what do I do? Any tips anyone? Do I give him something to make him sleep? Do I tie him to his bed? Should I put a bowl of water by his bed so that when he gets up he will stand in it and wake up? What do I do??



gail said...

Spookie, i have no solution to the sleep walking. I'd Google it!!!

I am leting you know that I love the cloud and have done one. Its going up tonight. I that alright with you??

Brigitte said...

Gail, that's a good idea. I think I will do that.

Of course that's fine with me (about the cloud) - glad you liked it. I will come and check it out in the morning.

AngelConradie said...

hey sis! i googled it, and most of the sites i found say the same thing- there's no real treatment, he'll outgrow it by puberty, make sure he's on the bottom bunk on the ground floor and all doors leading outside are locked... in other words all you can do is make sure he can't hurt himself.
you may want to try a little warm milk and a bedtime story? warm milk is a proven sleepy time "calmer"- i use it with damien, and a story may just take his mind off all the school stuff that seems to be keeping his mind busy. i know thats why i read at bedtime- to switch my brain off...

AngelConradie said...

broody... um... empty, almost like hungry, craving something you haven't tasted in a long time but you're not sure what you feel like having...

Kelly said...

My hubby sleep walks and talks. If it weren't 3am it would be pretty darn entertaining.

A Captured Reflection said...

Ahhh bless your sweet man. Do you pray protection over his dreams and thoughts each night when he goes to bed? Peace over his mind, that Jesus will minister to him in the night?

My son came in to the bedroom twice last night -1am and then 4am, and once awakened I didn't sleep much inbetween, so I empathise with the tiredness.

Will say a few prayers:-)

A Captured Reflection said...

I hope you don't mind me asking, but is it that a baby is physically out of the question?

gail said...

Spookie, we did my cloud but we can't get it to put the heading up so its not up yet!!! Wish I was as savvie as you!!! Try this afternoon

For some reason I thouht you and A lived in Capetown and now I see that it's ZA. How did I get Capetown??? Hmm...

Brigitte said...

Angel - Yip, that's what I found too. I will see how the warm milk works with a story. Thanks

Ja, Broody - an aching longing to be part of a miracle again. To be pregnant and to hold a new snuffling, soft little person in your arms.

Marge - maybe you should give him warm milk and a bedtime story too - LOL!!

Karen - Yes I do pray over him - all of them. And it's not so much nightmares or night terrors as it is just a restless and busy mind. I will be grateful for prayers.
I don't mind you asking. No it is not impossible. But hubby doesn't want any more children. And I don't know - maybe it's not in God's plan right now for me.

Gail - Ahhh, I hope you get it right.

I wish I lived in Cape Town - but it is a good few hours drive from where I am. About 1600km probably a 12 hr drive.
Cape Town is in ZA (which is South Africa) but not in Gauteng which is where we are.

Anonymous said...

My brothers and I, my dad, and my children all sleep walk/talk. Keep th envireonment safe, make sure there is nothing dangerous on the floor or available. You can put a motion sensor ner any door or steps if necessary (my brother used to go outside while sleepwalking.)Keep bedtime calm with no tv or caffeine. clmly iscus his day wwith him pior to bed, discussing possibe solutions to any issus that might come p. Gradully rediret he convrsatin to other things that interest him, read a story, sing a song, ( a half hour of trnistion time prior to bed helps a lot.) Keep his room free of reminders about his day with very litle visual stimulation. Have soft music playing at bedime. These are all things we have found helpful and any combinaion may help. if it continus more than a eeeks you may consider talking about it to his doctor as a sleep study may be helpful. It sounds like it is stress/stimulation induced so the above should help.