LORD, YOU'RE HOLY (by Helen Baylor)
Lord You're Holy,
Lord You're Holy
And we lift You up
and magnify Your name (x2)
As I look around and I see
All of the works that
Your hands have made
The awesomeness of You
And how Your love will never fail
Mere words cannot express
what I feel inside
I can't describe this Holy desire
But as token of my love
This what I'll do:
I'll lift my hands and cry Holy
Lord Your Holy (So Holy)
Lord Your Holy
And we lift You up
Lord You're Holy
And we lift You up
and magnify Your name (x2)
As I look around and I see
All of the works that
Your hands have made
The awesomeness of You
And how Your love will never fail
Mere words cannot express
what I feel inside
I can't describe this Holy desire
But as token of my love
This what I'll do:
I'll lift my hands and cry Holy
Lord Your Holy (So Holy)
Lord Your Holy
And we lift You up
and magnify Your name (x2)
There's not enough words
That I can say
To tell You I appreciate
All the wonderful things You've given me
Your loving Kindness, Your tender Mercies
It's my desire to praise You
And tell You how much I love You
Your worthy of all of the honor
Lord Your worthy of all of the praise
I don't know how You could love me
How You could give so much mercy
You didn't have to suffer and die for me
Way back on Calvary
But I just wanna thank You
I gotta thank you - yes I do
I just wanna thank You Lord
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Wonderful, Glorious, Holy and Righteous
Victorious, Conqueror, Triumphant and
Mighty, Healer, Deliverer, Shield and
Defense, Strong Tower and my Best Friend.
Omnipotent, Omnipresent
Soon coming King.
Alpha, Omega Lord of everything
You’re Holy Lord
Holy - is Your name
Wonderful, Glorious, Holy and Righteous
There's not enough words
That I can say
To tell You I appreciate
All the wonderful things You've given me
Your loving Kindness, Your tender Mercies
It's my desire to praise You
And tell You how much I love You
Your worthy of all of the honor
Lord Your worthy of all of the praise
I don't know how You could love me
How You could give so much mercy
You didn't have to suffer and die for me
Way back on Calvary
But I just wanna thank You
I gotta thank you - yes I do
I just wanna thank You Lord
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Wonderful, Glorious, Holy and Righteous
Victorious, Conqueror, Triumphant and
Mighty, Healer, Deliverer, Shield and
Defense, Strong Tower and my Best Friend.
Omnipotent, Omnipresent
Soon coming King.
Alpha, Omega Lord of everything
You’re Holy Lord
Holy - is Your name
Wonderful, Glorious, Holy and Righteous
Victorious, Conqueror, Triumphant and
Mighty, Healer, Deliverer, Shield and
Defense, Strong Tower and my Best Friend
Omnipotent, Omnipresent
Soon coming King
Alpha, Omega Lord of everything
You're Holy Lord
Holy - is Your name
Lord You’re Holy
I've got to cry Holy!
Holy is Your Name!
The Angels cry Holy,
Holy is Your Name!!
Lord You’re Holy
I've got to cry Holy!
Holy is Your Name!
The Angels cry Holy,
Holy is Your Name!!

Hi Spookie, I havent disappeared. I've been waiting for my husband to load my pics from our trip to Passion '07 onto my blog. Well that took weeks.They are up now. I'm the one with the glasses and Rowan is the young man!!!The others are women that I have been blogging with who live in America. Seven of us met for the first time at Passion just from connecting on the blog. Can you beliave that?? Most of us were volunteers. It was amazing to meet and share our faith in Jesus and generally have really fun time.Next time we'll let you know when it is and you and your blogging sister A can meet us!!
Also blogger for some reason made most of my posts, from the girls who do poston my blog, anonymous and I have had to track everyone down!!!
Happy Birsthday Blog!!! Yours is one amazing blog Spookie.
Love Blue
Hi Spooks, Just wanted to wish you a good weekend. Next week our kids are on a week's school break and I can't wait to just slow the pace down a bit. Busy, busy, busy and very limited time for the more pleasurable things. Hope all is well with everyone and that you have a great weekend. We are in real brrrrrr mode ... winter finally arrived with a bang! Love You, budvo. xox
great post! Have a good weekend.
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