Shalee is looking for some new ideas of what to do on Valentines Day that won't cost a fortune. so I figured I would share some of the things I have done in the past for my hubby on valentines day - especially when I don't have any money.
Once I made little cards out of coloured cardboard and on each one I wrote different little messages like "I love you" (obvious one) "Your so special to me" "Thinking of you", one I kissed with lipstick and wrote "A kiss for you" etc, etc. I cannot remember what each one said, but I made quite a few and then I hid them all over so he would find them on Valentines day throughout the day. Some I hid in his cupboard so he would find it while dressing, in the bathroom cabinet for when he shaved, and I hid some in his car, in the visor, cubbyhole, the compartment where he keeps his wallet and one was behind his cell phone "hands free" plug in thingy. He kept finding little cards that let him know how much I loved him.
Another time I prepared a little box full of love letters, movie tickets, photos, receipts and things from when we dated and sent him on a little trip down memory lane. That was fun.
And another time all I did was get the kids all sent off somewhere and I made a romantic dinner with candles and a bit of wine and soft music playing and I was waiting for him in something pretty when he came home from work.
So there are only SIX days left till Valentines day - hope you are feeling inspired!! Click on the link above and join the fun and share some of your ideas too!!
I must admit that we don't take Valentine's Day much further than maybe flowers and/or a card - and I am not sure why. These ideas sound very adorable, though. But more importantly, HAPPY HAPPY BLOG BIRTHDAY (sorry, I am a bit late.) I also feel like wishing us HAPPY ANNIVERSARY as if it weren't for you blog that more than measures up - we wouldn't have met! I am going straight to the internet to see if I can order that movie. I haven't heard of it before so thanks for sharing, sounds fabulopus my blog budvo! Hugs. xoxox
Thanks for the tips. Sometimes we do and sometimes we don't. It's nice to have a special day of appreciation but we should take the time to show it everyday. Sometimes just a word of love will make the day brighter.
I love the hiding cards idea, especially if you put them in places that you know he won't find them for days. The love can just spread a little further and further for a week later.
Thanks for sharing your ideas with us. It's been fun seeing all the great ideas that are coming out.
And finally: Happy Blogiversary!
Happy Blogiversary Spookie!
I'm afraid I'm not much help in the V-day department but it seems you're just full of bright ideas ;)
Good ideas, thanks for sharing.
since i'm single, i'll be boycotting valentines day again this year- wearing all black and sending anti-valentines day cards to my single friends.
Have a great Valentines :-) You haven't visited for a while...nothing to do with Africa I hope. I was thinking deepest Africa in my post, I'd actually love a visit to South Africa :-) Come back Spookie....
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