Have you ever noticed that living a Christian life is completely opposite to how the world lives? God has been pointing these things out to me more and more lately.
For example
John 3:30 says: "I must decrease so that He can increase"
For example
John 3:30 says: "I must decrease so that He can increase"
Mark 9 v 35 says: And he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them,
"If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all."
And I have come to the realisation that in order to be filled completely with His Spirit I must be empty of all other things. You cannot completely fill a glass with water if there is something inside the glass - if the glass is empty it can be completely filled to overflowing.
"If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all."
And I have come to the realisation that in order to be filled completely with His Spirit I must be empty of all other things. You cannot completely fill a glass with water if there is something inside the glass - if the glass is empty it can be completely filled to overflowing.
And of course: Blood that washes white as snow.
All of this is completely opposite to what the world tells us. When you are living in the world you want to be first and be served, you want to increase and become greater and better and you try to fill your heart with all kinds of things to try and compensate for the emptiness and the longing you feel within you. You want all the glory and the praise when good things happen. We seek worldly approval and acceptance.
How blessed are those who live as the Bible says, this was after all how Jesus lived. He came to serve and not be served. He came to seek and save the lost and when He went to the cross it was not for His own glory but for God’s and for our sins.
How can you be filled to overflowing with His Spirit? By emptying your heart of everything. Of self, of past hurts, of guilt, of regret, of false idols – anything that will not bear the fruit of the Spirit. Allow Him to fill you and push out all those things that are taking up residence in your heart. When you do this you will find yourself giving Him all the glory when things happen, you will find yourself longing to be humble and you will find yourself desiring a servant heart. You will want everyone to know what God is doing in your life and you will want Him to be honoured for it.
Allow Him to increase in your life so that you can be used by Him. Become humble and allow Him to work through you so that anything He does through you will bring HIM glory not you. Begin to live your life in such a way that every word, every action every deed will bring glory and honor to Him.
It is difficult – but once you begin to allow Him to become more you will see the fruits of your faith. And you will run hard after Him and long to do His will.
I hope this message is coming through - I feel like I am battling to find the words... it is what has been on my heart and I hope, no I pray I have expressed it clearly and that my heart is coming through here.

How blessed are those who live as the Bible says, this was after all how Jesus lived. He came to serve and not be served. He came to seek and save the lost and when He went to the cross it was not for His own glory but for God’s and for our sins.
How can you be filled to overflowing with His Spirit? By emptying your heart of everything. Of self, of past hurts, of guilt, of regret, of false idols – anything that will not bear the fruit of the Spirit. Allow Him to fill you and push out all those things that are taking up residence in your heart. When you do this you will find yourself giving Him all the glory when things happen, you will find yourself longing to be humble and you will find yourself desiring a servant heart. You will want everyone to know what God is doing in your life and you will want Him to be honoured for it.
Allow Him to increase in your life so that you can be used by Him. Become humble and allow Him to work through you so that anything He does through you will bring HIM glory not you. Begin to live your life in such a way that every word, every action every deed will bring glory and honor to Him.
It is difficult – but once you begin to allow Him to become more you will see the fruits of your faith. And you will run hard after Him and long to do His will.
I hope this message is coming through - I feel like I am battling to find the words... it is what has been on my heart and I hope, no I pray I have expressed it clearly and that my heart is coming through here.
I think that being in a place of this kind of surrender is empowering yourself much like an artists with a clean canvass. To get to a place of no-thing, or nothingness takes strength and courage. I honor you for having these qualities. Coming from such a pure place in your heart leaves you so free to tap into your power and create anything you want ... and you will get it, because you deserve it!
Thanks for adding me to your blogroll. I've added you to mine too.
Love this:
It is difficult – but once you begin to allow Him to become more you will see the fruits of your faith. And you will run hard after Him and long to do His will.
I think these words speak beautifully...don't doubt that!
This is a wonderful post.
Thank you for this wonderful post. It really spoke straight to my heart.
"You try to fill your heart with all kinds of things to try and compensate for the emptiness and the longing you feel within you."
That was exactly what I've been doing this last week, and it's brought me no where good. I really needed to hear the things that you wrote in this post, so thank you for this blessing.
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