Anyhoo, on Tuesday I awoke to beautiful sound of every single muscle in my neck SCREAMING in pain. I could not move. I could not get out of bed, lift my arms or anything. Great! Now what? So Happy came to my rescue. he managed to get me out of bed and into the shower - where he had to wash my hair for me cause I was so totally useless. Pain like I cannot describe blossomed in my neck and arms with every single little move I made.
So after 3 days of self medicating myself and getting no positive response I made an appointment yesterday with the Physio Therpist. Was that ever weird? When I phoned a woman with a voice like sandpaper (you know the guy from the movie "The Birdcage" - she sounds like that) and a cough to make your nerves frazzle answered the phone. Breathing heavily and wheezing she booked my appointment. I was a little doubtful at first but then I figured - she's the receptionist, so it's cool.
Just before Happy picked me up he called saying Marke is ill and needs to get to the doctor too. "Great - another one with Mumps, there goes Christmas." Were my thoughts. But he has a tummy bug and is going to be fine. His temperature was 40 degrees celcius - very high. Shame poor kid. But a shot in the butt sorted him out quickly enough.
So I go to the physio 'round the corner and there is the BIG lady sitting on a little drum having a ciggy outside. "You the one with the neck" she rasped and got up to open the door. Ah, so this is the receptionist I spoke to on the phone. I follow her inside and she gives me the usual forms to fill out and all that then she tells me to follow her to another room. I sit down and she starts asking me a whole lot of questions about where i am in pian, how long etc etc and I realise that this IS the therapist!!
She sounds really course and she smokes like a chimney - but she knows what she is doing and I tell you, I was on the verge of falling into a deep deeeeeep sleep when she was done with me. I have just got a HUGE muscle spasm from - can you guess people - The Computer!! Yep. I work on one ALL day and that is why I am spazzing up all over. Lol. So I still look a bit like Robocop when I move around cause I cannot turn my head - but at least I can use my arms. And Happy is going to get me Spasmeds - she said I should get them. They are muscle relaxants and I know from past experience that they work.
I am still sore but feeling better. I should probably be going back there but not today i am going away with Happy until Sunday to this place: LOERIES CALL

Stunning hey?? And Yes - that's our room there. Thats where I will be sleeping tonight. The bathroom has got fluffly Gowns to wear, and super soft towels. All the luxuries you can think of - this place has. It's FIVE star!! And I cannot wait.
After the time I have had with kids getting sick - mumps, runny tummy's, vomiting - blegh!! I need to get away from it all. Marke and Sean's mom is staying with them all for the weekend and she doesn't mind having Dononvan too. But who would he's so sweet.
Happy and I leave this morning at about 10:00 am when work finishes. We are all packed and ready to go!!
Have a great weekend everyone and keep safe. I will not say this is my last post cause I said that with the last one - I might just hook up with the laptop sometime.
Edited to say:
Oh and have you EVER smelled what a burned dinner plate smells like? I have. I smelled it yesterday when I came home and the whole house reeked. Donovan (bless his independant soul) had put a slice of Pizza in the microwave to warm it up on a plate and then forgot about it. It was in for about an hour. On high. Cooking.
Suddenly when he saw the smoke did he rememer his Pizza. Well the plate was burned BLACK and the pizza was a little more like charcoal than Pizza - and now whenever I use the microwave I can smell the burned pizza and plate every time - YUCK!!!
oh. my. word. that place looks fan-friggin-tastic! awesome sis!
take lotsa pictures hey- i wanna hear all about it when you get back!
I would take photos if i had my Camera. Unfortunaterly Da Bruvva has it - he's been using it for work. So this will be one trip that is not well documented. But it's ok. There are lots of pictures on the internet.
LOL- on the plate! I had a flash back of rubber burning.. When Ran was little he put the remote control in the mircrowave... All the rubber buttons melted into the controller, and the tray it was sitting on had a big black scorched mark in perfect design of the instrument of much amusement. I of course was in the bathroom (everything happens when you are using the bathroom & have kids) I heard laughing and clapping then the "ding" from the microwave. I guess the spark show was entertaining! The smelly tray was warped and quite fun to cook things on afterwards!
Ooooo it looks ever so romantic and just what Robocop and Happy needs - a spazzed out wife - shame man, but you made me laugh. I hope you relax all the stress and tension out of your muscles. Have a fantastic time.
Will be thinking of you. Hope the boys are all well. Nice to get away from it all. Enjoy - you deserve every minute of it. xoxo
Have a wonderful holiday and a Christmas filled with love and laughter... which, if you're taking Spasmend, I'm sure you will if you're anything like me 'cos you'll be goofed half the time LOL!
Are you just the coolest sister or what?? Sounds like you threw the Angel person such a lekker birthday party. Welcome Back - hope you muscles are all relaxed and that you and Happy had the best time away. Was the resort as beautous as it looks in the pics? Love and Hugs and all good wishes from me and my band - HAPPY HAPPY 2007. xox
Corina - Hi there!! Welcome!! Thank goodness my son dind't try to nuke the remote - there would have been hell to pay if he had!! LOL!!
Terri - Sheesh, nobody warned me about the nasty side effects from the spasmeds!! I had tostop taking them cause they made every joint (fingers, toes, anckles and elboes) sore. So they worked for the muscles but made me feel worse!! LOL!! Thank goodness that's all over now.
Dawn Dawn - I did enjoy it - but was in pain most of the time so it could have been better, as I was mentioning to Terri I had some very bad side effects to the spasmeds.
And as for the party - she really deserved it and it was alot of fun to do.
I look forward to getting back into the world of blogging again. I have missed rather muchly.
Will pop inquickly at your bloggy when I get time.
Hugs and kisses
Drukkies en soentjies
The pictures look great. I so want to hide in a hot tub right now! I got a nasty cold from the family over the holidays.
Hi Spooks - Hope you had a great weekend away with Hubby!!!!! Hey almost time for our babes to go to big school!!!! Take Care!! P.S. the party you did for angel was just to sweet - you are a great sister!!!!!!!
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