Monday, December 18, 2006


Hello!! I have been a really Bad Blogger lately - I know it. I feel realy bad, but it was not really anything I could help. Last week I ended up staying home with Donovan cause he had MUMPS!! Of ALL things at this time of the year - he gets mumps. What was I to do? No-one wanted him, and our Christmas party with the in-laws was cancelled too as a result. Not that mumps is that bad really - I found chicken pox to be much worse. But I didn't really have the "time" to take off from work cause I have SO much to do before we close on Friday 22nd. Oh me! Murphy hey!! Now I have to work like the clappers to get finished so I don't come back to a train-smash next year.

Yesterday Marke and Seans mom came through to visit. She has now moved closer to where we stay - about an hour away instead of 5 hours. And the boys are happy to see her again. She will be visiting until the 24th - and Happy and I will be going away for a bit from the 22nd to the 24th - I cannot wait!!

On Saturday night the In-laws came through for supper to give pressies etc and I kicked my little toe on the couch while rushing to the kitchen to get my Lasagne out the oven and it is now some pretty shades of purple, deep pink and blue - very painful! I don't think it is broken though. I did think that at first, but I think it is just badly sprained.

Anyway, thats all I have for now - gotta get some work done here. No time for playing this week...


Soul Reflections said...

Sounds like you're having a busy holiday. Sorry about your toe! Been there, done that about a gazillion times! God bless

Brigitte said...

Debra - It would be nice if I was on holiday already - but I am still at work until Friday. Though I have been very busy!
And thanks, my toe is feeling better. Still all kinds of shades - but better.

Terri said...

Ow ow ow toe!!! I feel your pain sweetie.

AngelConradie said...

hey sis- sorry bout your toe... i did that once too, glad donny is better!

A Captured Reflection said...

Ooh mumps I remember having that when I was about 7 or 8. I haven't heard of anyone catching it in years. Hope your wee man gets well soon and you get your work done.

Have enjoyed blogging with you this year, you are an inspiration. We are off on holiday 21st-9th January (our first Christmas away break since we met in 1997, so much needed).

May God bless you and watch over you all. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Unknown said...

Hello My Friend - 'Too Busy' seems to be the common thread at the moment. I have so much to catch up on that I will apologize in advance for what is likely to be a LOOONG comment! Congratulations to the graduate - what beautiful pictures. Glad to read that everyone has recovered and sorry that you found it necessary to reward yourself with sommer nearly (or maybe even) breaking your toe. Hope it feels better soon. I hung on every word of the beautiful piece Mommy Darling wrote. As a step-mom, I can relate deeply to all she spoke of and all you must have endured. It is indeed a credit to you that your two families can blend and you and your step-children can share a healthy relationship with their mother. That is how it should be - and why not. Their mother should be eternally grateful for what you do for her children and as their mother, I know you hold her in a place of respect and dignity. I on the other hand, despite my efforts, have not been that blessed. I do however take humble pride in not every having allowed my step-wife (as I call her) and her lack of grace to stand in the way of my commitment to her children - because they are also my husband's children - and my chosen path lead me to parenting them - they are the innocent parties.
DDTFM and Ross join me in wishing you and those you love a blessed and joyous Christmas. All good wishes for a healthy, prosperous and gentle 2007. I love you. xox

Kelly said...

Mumps! that sucks!

Brigitte said...

Terri - Sore hey?

Angel - It's better now. And I am also glad Donny is better.

Karen - Thank you Kar. I have enjoyed blogging with you too, your prayers and dreams are always good to learn from. Enjoy your holiday, and be safe.
God bless you too.

Dawn - YAY!! It is so good to see you here again. I knew you could relate to my mom's little post - you were on my mind while I read it. Thank you for your wonderful comment - and yes, my toe is much better.
Thank you for your love and friendship throughout the year. And Happy, "Da Boys" and Me wish You and DDTFM and Ross also a blessed and happy Christmas.
I love you too!

Marge - Yep - luckily it only lasts about five days and not 4 weeks so it's over now and he is healthy again.