My excitement is growing with each day! I don’t know if you all remember that I said I was going on an LTT (Leadership Training Time) with my church at the end of September. Well, that time is drawing near!! And I am so excited. I will be away from the 22nd of September to the 29th. I have NEVER been away from home for that long on my own and I know I will miss Happy and the kids while I am away, yet I can barely contain my excitement.
I will be part of the worship team too as a member of the choir. And I think that is what has me more excited than anything else. And also knowing that this will be an opportunity to build and develop new relationships with new people and Elders and also to connect with dear old friends who I haven’t seen in a while.
Most of the people from my church is going, so there will at least be some of my own family members there too.
I cannot wait to learn more, to grow more and to have knowledge that I can apply to my life and my family’s life too. There will be over 4000 people there – and I cannot wait to see a place filled with that many people all worshipping one God. I am counting the sleeps and from today it is only 14!! Can you feel my excitement?? Can you??

:) Glad you're so excited! I'm sure you'll have a great time.
I can't believe it's already almost here. Are you packed yet? :o) I am sure it is going to be a life-changing experience!! Have a great week. Hugs. xoxo
Terri - So I am I!
Dawn - I can't believe it either!! I have not packed yet - I need to make a list first, and I still have time. Thanks for the hug Btw - Angel gave it to me yesterday!! Made my day too! And YOU have a great week too.
Terri - Erm - that's "So am I..."
Thats sounds super exciting!
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