Tuesday, July 31, 2007

WE SPEAK TO NATIONS - or do we...??

A week ago a lady who works with me went out to do outreach. They went to little towns surrounding the Netherlands – if I have my facts right. She said it was such an eye opener. They worked on a door to door method and had questioners with questions on to ask the people about the Bible and about Jesus etc. She says that these people don’t any idea about the Bible and that someone said it was just fairy tales. They don’t really know who Jesus is either and the scariest part is that they aren’t bothered by the fact that they have no idea where they are going when they die.

And you know what struck me? It was this: (and I hope I make this clear…)

When we hear about outreaches and about mission work it conjures up pictures of people going to extreme places. Countries where there is starvation, sickness, death, destruction from war. Of far off places where the natives have not heard about Jesus. We imagine working with homeless children, people who live on the streets etc. Right? And this is good. We must as Christians reach out to these people and places. But what about 1st world countries like Europe and all the little towns therein? I was suddenly hit with the thought / revelation that because these countries are so very beautiful and have such steady financial structure and the unemployment rate is very low, the homeless children are not nearly as many as in Africa, there is no destruction or war, that maybe they have been forgotten by the saints. I thought that maybe because these people don’t struggle as in other countries that we take it for granted that they are ok with God too. And maybe the people living there don’t realize how much they need Jesus either because it is well with them?

And I was suddenly aware that God commissioned us to go into ALL nations to reach ALL people and tell them the Good News about Jesus. And maybe in those places where there is suffering you will find Jesus is loved and worshipped far more than in countries where there is no suffering. But I say why wait? Why should we wait for it to go badly in a place before we try to reach them with the Good News? If these people can be made aware of Jesus and His love and forgiveness and sacrifices for them now then greater will be their reward!!

All people in all places and all situations and of every race and colour and tongue should be reached out to. Rich or poor, suffering or prosperous, God is not partial and does not show favouritism. He loves us all – regardless. And He wants us ALL to know and love him too.

Rom 8:19 The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed

THAT’S US!!! We are the sons and daughters of God and the world is the creation. They are waiting for us. They are waiting for something better, and we have it. Jesus Christ. And we need to do whatever it takes to spread His Good News. It starts at home. But if you have to defy comfort and convenience to go into the nations then do it! And if you get sent by God into the 1st world nations then go!

Go and reach the nations and tell them of the Good News.


Linseed said...

very true, its not just the netherlands, its all over europe, here in Scotland its the same, very few have the basic Christian knowledge that we just grew up with, let alone a personal relationship.


Lynne (friend of karen)

Anonymous said...

Wow.... So true and I am amazed how there are those believers who are called to go and they pick up and go!!!

Great post and Amen!

AngelConradie said...

fabulous post sis, you are so right!

Kelly said...

Great post. I did mission work at my university.

A Captured Reflection said...

That's right. I see my friend Linseed posted too. I have been to further flung countries, but enjoyed working with the people in Scotland too, and there was a lot of need there.

Sassiekiwi said...

Good post ... in my situation here is Korea, I get to mix with many people who are highly privileged ... travel ... are CEOs of huge companies and also embassy folk such as ambassadors for countries etc. I have had friends pass comments that look down on this life and the life these people lead. I teach the children of these people and I have had friends discount it - saying that these children are privileged and have no needs. In my first year here, I was at a dinner and looking around thinking, "when would I ever get to meet these people at home?" i realised I wouldn't and just as quickly felt that God spoke to my heart and said, "yes, they are an unreached people group and i have placed you in the midst of them".

Its too easy for us to discount sectors of society because they are seemingly successful and privileged with few material needs. We need to see as God sees ... the state of hunger that all people have for him.