Friday, May 11, 2007


When I think of a Mother, my Mother I picture a woman who nurtures and loves. She longs to protect her children from the world, yet she is always training them to one day let go. She loves tenderly with hugs or a gentle touch, a little text message telling how much she loves and how proud she is. A warm welcoming home that will always be home to a daughter no matter how old she is or how long she has lived in her own home. Someone always smiling and laughing. She has a heart vast and glorious and her eyes reflect a love that is measureless, and unconditional when you take the time to look into them. And in her eyes you will see grace and strength. She is a woman who clings to Jesus, with a heart enlarged by all she has endured with and through her children. Sometimes dismissed and often judged and deeply wounded by a careless word. Yet her heart continues to love, to grow, to want only happiness for her precious children. She forgives all, and encourages forgiveness. She inspires her children to become people of integrity and virtue. She is Mother, she is Mom, Mamma, Moeder, Mum. She is Granny, Grandma, Nanna, Oumie. She embodies all that is life and she gives life. She is strong and mild, fierce and gentle. She is the heart of Christ, the Crown of Creation, and she’s mine!


AngelConradie said...

wow. mindblowingly beautiful sis! i'm so lucky she's mine too!

gail said...

Happy Mother's Day to you ,spookie.
I will get around to doing my tagged list soon. Angel tagged me too. Do I have to do 14 or can you ask her if we can share them?

Masked Rabbit said...

Another lovely post about a Mother. Thanks for sharing this Spookie. It's beautiful.

Terri said...

Sounds like mine too :)
Happy mother's day, Spookie.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you precious. I am so blessed. With all my love - MoM

Anonymous said...

This is really beautiful! I could learn sooo much from your Mom! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

Unknown said...

Hello My Budvo - I am sorry I haven't responded to your tag - I really do think it is a compliment to be tagged. Just popped in to say "tot siens" - we are off on holiday today for ten days. Will be thinking of you and will be in touch as soon as I get back. Hugs and Loves to you, until then. xox