Thursday, May 31, 2007


V - I - C
V - I - C
V - I - C - T - O - R – Y
V - I - C - T - O - R – Y !!

Once again I am just so blown away by God’s faithfulness and by His awesome power! This week I experienced His power and the power of prayer so powerfully that I feel like I am just about ready to burst!

We had the most awesome victory over lies and deception and the enemy – The Father of Lies that I can just picture him tucking tail and running for cover. And feeling like such a fool for thinking he could ever prevail!

I cannot go into detail, but I can say I am praising him with tears and laughter and joy and testimony because of what He did this week. And all Glory goes to Him. He is the all knowing, all powerful, ever present God and I will never stop praising Him.

Thank You Jesus for the territory we claimed in Your Mighty Name this week. Thank You Holy Spirit for giving strength, courage, and power of the supernatural kind when it was needed most. Thank You Father for Your unfailing love and for Your forgiveness – the Agape love with which we are able to love even our enemies. And Your Agape love which allows us to forgive even the hardest things.

I am so amazed and so humbled by the wonderful POWERFUL victory that we took in His name. And I can only give Him all the glory for no one else is worthy of Glory and Honour and Praise!

Praise You Jesus, Son of God,
King and Kings,
And Lord of ALL!!!!

(yes I am shouting that!!)

Monday, May 21, 2007


Once again I was dragged before the image of myself and I was shown again that I am clothed in filthy rags...

Last weekend a group of ladies from my church and other relating churches got together for a wonderful weekend called “Cherish, You are remarkable” and I received such clear confirmation from the Lord there about my future and I was so excited and so moved by it all that I didn’t even realize that I was allowing myself to be attacked.

Some stuff happened on Sunday and I immediately allowed my mind and my heart to stand wide open to attack – for a whole week this went on. Right up until Thursday evening. And even then I didn’t realize that I was being attacked. Then yesterday God showed me and He said that if anyone is a threat to my happiness it was ME!!

Me without faith is deadly.

I hope this makes sense, but basically He took what I was seeing as the problem and turned it right over so that the spotlight fell on me and I could see I was the problem.

You see I have asked for His protection of my family and my husband and I have given my children and my husband and my family and my marriage over into His hands – but did I trust Him to do what I had asked? Hmpf! No way!! I freaked out and panicked and left my heart and my mind completely unprotected and open to a huge spiritual attack.

You see fear is the dark room where negativity is developed. And I was completely overcome with fear and confusion. It was so silly actually, but I let it happen because of my lack of faith. And last night I had to ask God to forgive me for not believing in Him. And for forgetting that He will not allow any harm to come to me or any of my family.

How human we are, how insignificant and silly we are. Thank God that when we have no faith He remains faithful – eternally.
Father Your word says that I have not been given a spirit of fear but a Spirit of Power. Teach me Lord how to keep walking in Your light and with You. For it is only in You that I can overcome ALL things. Keep my mind sharp Lord. Give me wisdom and discernment to know when I am facing a full on attack from the enemy so that I can call on you in those times and not sink into a hole of fear and darkness and confusion. I never want to be blind sided like that again Lord. I want to be always aware and ready to raise up my shield and ward off any attack that the enemy may bring.

Thank you for never leaving me when my faith was weak. Thank you for showing me the truth Lord and help me Lord to never forget what I have learned here today.

Friday, May 11, 2007


When I think of a Mother, my Mother I picture a woman who nurtures and loves. She longs to protect her children from the world, yet she is always training them to one day let go. She loves tenderly with hugs or a gentle touch, a little text message telling how much she loves and how proud she is. A warm welcoming home that will always be home to a daughter no matter how old she is or how long she has lived in her own home. Someone always smiling and laughing. She has a heart vast and glorious and her eyes reflect a love that is measureless, and unconditional when you take the time to look into them. And in her eyes you will see grace and strength. She is a woman who clings to Jesus, with a heart enlarged by all she has endured with and through her children. Sometimes dismissed and often judged and deeply wounded by a careless word. Yet her heart continues to love, to grow, to want only happiness for her precious children. She forgives all, and encourages forgiveness. She inspires her children to become people of integrity and virtue. She is Mother, she is Mom, Mamma, Moeder, Mum. She is Granny, Grandma, Nanna, Oumie. She embodies all that is life and she gives life. She is strong and mild, fierce and gentle. She is the heart of Christ, the Crown of Creation, and she’s mine!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Kim over at Can You Hear Me? has tagged me to do this meme. I thought it was a good one to do and I haven't done a meme for so long that I got right into it!! But first here are the rules:

Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. You need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they have been tagged and to read your blog!

Here is the meme:

7 things about me

1. I am a step mom to two boys, They live with my husband and I and visit with their mom a few times through the year.

2. I have a longing in my heart, soul, and the very deepest part of me to have another baby. A little girl. I try not to think about it too much cause I know we can’t have another baby now, but the longing is there for a little pink bundle.

3. The last time I felt broody I got a kitten from my Husband and it worked like a charm!! Now we are not allowed to have pets where we are staying so will just have to deal with this differently.

4. 7 is my favourite number!!!

5. I almost always have a sore neck from working on the computer all day long for 10 years now. It’s starting to be quite a nuisance

6. I love reading and just recently joined my churches book club. I love it! I will get to host it about once a year and we get together once a month and I am reading “Captivating” by Stasi & John Eldredge as well as “The Pleasures of God” by John Piper, both are amazing and I definitely recommend them.

7. I wish I could be a stay at home mom. That way I would be able to be there for my kiddos and they would not have to go to aftercare. I would be able to help them with homework and activities and just spend more time with them. I know they would benefit from it as much as I would.

I tag Angel, NMOTB, Bunny Girl, Karen, Gail, Terri and Dawn!!

Have fun Gals!!!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


God keeps me humble and I am so grateful that He does. It is SO easy to be a “good Christian” in a place where your faith never gets challenged. Like at church meetings or at work, I know that for a lot of people the work place is where you get challenged the most, but for me home is the place I face the most challenges.
Very often I find myself judging family members on their behavior or the things the say or the way they react in certain situations and I find myself imagining I am better than them because I am saved. I get puffed up with self righteousness and with what I “know” to be right.

Thank God I am saved because the moment I find myself doing this He cuts me the heart immediately and I am forced (in a good way) to ask forgiveness. Who am I compared to Him, what is my righteousness when compared to His. He reminds me that we are all the same in His eyes. He doesn’t see race or colour or stature or wealth. He doesn’t see male or female – He sees our hearts and our minds and we are all wicked in those places. We may put up a “front” to the world – but God knows us so intimately He knows what goes on inside. He sees you crying and broken on the inside while the world sees you laughing and smiling on the outside. He sees your hate and anger and bitterness on the inside while the world sees your loving and gentle ways on the outside. But we can only hide our true selves from the world for so long because what is in the heart eventually flows from the mouth anyway.

The thing is God sees what matters. In His eyes we are all equal. Who am I to think I am better than anyone else? Who am I to think I am more righteous than someone else?

Thank you Jesus for keeping me humble. Help me Father not judge, lest I be judged. I never want to come across as self righteous or proud, I want Your love, peace and joy to fill my heart and overflow so that, that will be what the world sees.
Keep me on my knees Lord, and let the righteousness I have in You be the righteousness the world sees – not my own Self Righteousness.
In Jesus’ name