I have been what many may refer to a “a friend in need”. I don’t have my own car yet and so I have needed many lifts to many places. Most of my destinations are not far from where I am and “en route” but I really have been a needy person. The people who have been helping me A LOT are really wonderful people. They are real friends to me and I wanted to let them know that what they have been doing for me means SO much to me. I don’t actually have words to say how much they have meant to me.
You see, I hate having to ask for a lift anywhere and I always feel like such a burden and a schlep and real “friend in need is a friend in deed” (please read that with a very whiny nasal voice for the full effect.) type of person. And these people have helped me out happily and lovingly every. single. time. without so much a sigh, or rolling their eyes or a complaint or anything.
Now, the thing is, I really want to thank these people, and I was wracking my brain as to what I could do that would be special and really show my appreciation of the people who have blessed me more than they will ever realise.
I want to get them something that will last and always remind them of the wonderful gift of friendship they brought into my life. Something meaningful and worthy of such people. I mean flowers are nice – but they just don’t say enough. A vase is lasting – but it just doesn’t say “thank you” quite the way I need it to. And anything else also just seems too, I dunno – BELEEEAGH!!!! Know what I mean? It’s just not personal enough…
Then I had a BRAINWAVE!! I recently restrung my pearls that Happy got for me about 10 years ago. And when I had finished I had a few left. Four, to be exact. Now they are not very big – but they are the real thing and I have friend at church who makes jewelry! So for

Only the pearls are white, and the earrings will be silver too.
And then for Ester I decided on a pretty pendant like this:

I think they are very deserving of these gifts and I hope that they will know just how much their friendship has meant to me. And the pearls represent their friendship which is like a precious pearl to me.
I just can’t wait to actually give these to them. I am so excited I can almost burst!!
And then there is Joanne. She is a God send – literally. Whenever I need guidance or advice or just a chat Joanne has been there for me. She has such wisdom and sees things from such a new perspective and her advice is always good and helpful. And I am always reminded of the Proverb in the Bible that says “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.”(Proverbs 25:11) So I will be getting her a small pendant made to something of this sort of design. And none of it will cost me very much because I have got the pearls and I have got the Gold for the apple pendant. And the silver used will be very little and won’t cost much at all. So, the gifts will be meaningful – which I want, and light on my pocket too – which is just a bonus I think.
A good way to say thank you – dontcha think?
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