Monday, November 27, 2006


Hello bloggerflies!! I a still here and missing my blog time so much. I have just been so busy at work and at home - it's that time of the year, you know...

Friday night was o precious. Donovan's graduation was so sweet. They all came out onto stage carrying candles and wearing gradution robes and hats over their blue shirts - he looked SO angelic I couldn't help but sit there and cry. I will put up my photos as soon as I can download them. He recieved a gift from the teachers which is so beautiful, and not what I expected at all. They each got a Bible - A5 size with a hard cover and inside they placed Donovans graduation photo. I was thrilled with this choice of gift, and he has already spent time paging through it and asking me to read him verses.

Saturday morning I went to a babyshower for a friend from church, and last night (sunday) my sisters, brother and myself held our annual sibling supper. I promise to devote an entire post to the evening, right now I am really tired (late sunday nights don't work so well) and I need to get back to work.

As soon as I have pictures of both the graduation and the supper I will post them.


Terri said...

Precious moments indeed. Next thing you know it'll be his high school graduation ;)

the not so "new" mom on the blog said...

I know the feeling of shedding a tear or two or three.......! It was Dylan's preschool graduation too and it was just so cute for words!!!! Sounds like you had a hectic weekend! Saw some pics of the supper - you look stunning woman!!! keep it up!!! bye!

AngelConradie said...

so did you get the pictures!?!?

Kelly said...

I know what you mean, I have really fallen behind in my blogging.