1. Who is your man?
Barry is my man!!!
2. How long have you been together?
12 years – married for 11
3. How long did you date before you got married?
1 year – give or take a month or so.
4. How old is your man?
39!!! I want to have a party for his 40th next year!!
5. Who eats more?
Sometimes he does and sometimes I do – depends on who’s hungrier.
6. Who said "I love you" first?
I can’t really remember – it was probably him, I don’t think I have ever said it first. And I still love to hear him say it!
7. Who is taller?
Oh he is – and I like it!!
8. Who sings better?
I do – by far!!
9. Who is smarter?
When it comes to general knowledge and life skills I am smarter. When it comes to business smart and money and budgeting he is smarter
10. Whose temper is worse?
His is worse. Gotten better over the years, but his is worse.
11. Who does the laundry?
We both do.
12. Who takes out the garbage?
The kids.
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
I do. When he is away on business I sleep on his side.
14. Who pays the bills?
He does!! He’s my hero!
15. Who is better with the computer?
I am. He is learning now due to his promotion.
16. Who mows the lawn?
The complex garden services!!
17. Who cooks dinner?
We both do. But lately he is lazy when it gets to his turn – and then he buys take out or hot dogs or something like that.
18. Who drives when you are together?
Oh he does – much better for both of us that way.
19. Who pays when you go out?
Well it comes out of our bank account – but “he does”
20. Who is the most stubborn?
He is SO stubborn!
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong?
I am, and I say sorry first too.
22. Whose parents do you see most?
I think mine, we are closer than he and his family are. They are close, but not as close as we are. He visits his dad every now and then – they are very close.
23. Who kissed who first?
We kissed each other. We were at a club for my 21st and the power went out and before I knew what was happening we were kissing!! I will never forget it. I had wanted him to kiss me for such a long time!
24. Who asked who out?
I think I asked him out. To my 21st…
25. Who proposed?
He did. On Christmas Eve at my parents house in front of everyone!!
26. Who is most sensitive?
We are both very sensitive. He doesn’t show it as easily as I do ( I cry at the drop of a hat!) – but it doesn’t take much to make him cry – for a man I mean, I cry more easily, but for him, as a man it doesn’t take much. He cried on our wedding day, when our son was born, when we had to give away our kitty and when he gave me my car. And not so much cry as just have his eyes well up with tears and then he fights for control. He’s so precious!
27. Who has the most friends?
I do. Always have! He is more a “one best friend” man.
28. Who has more siblings?
I do!! I have three and he has two.
29. Who wears the pants in the family?
He does. I believe that being submissive and that honoring his request and wishes is important. A wife should be her husbands crown and by trying to take over his role that will never happen.
30. How did you meet?
We met on a conference at the
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