Yesterday I sat under the awesome teaching of the one and only Mr RT Kendall. What he spoke about has made me change such a small yet vital part of me. I am going to share with you what he taught us last night – so please, these are not my words, I am simply passing on a message to get you all thinking too – but I will put it in my own words as I don’t have much time.
He spoke about The Sensitivity of The Holy Spirit and he read this portion in Matthew where Jesus gets baptised: As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and remained with him. We all know that verse quite well, but have you ever noticed the word REMAINED before?? I never really did either.
You see a dove is a shy, easily scared, easily grieved little bird. It is nothing like a pigeon who is belligerent. A dove is afraid of people, a pigeon is not. A dove will fly away if there is a sudden noise, a pigeon wont easily. You can train a pigeon, but not a dove.
Now the Dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit and RT said that the Holy Spirit is also as sensitive as the dove. He is easily wounded and easily grieved. When we feel the presence of the Holy Spirit with us we feel like that is the place where want to stay forever, but it doesn’t last long does it? Why? Because the moment we are curt with our husbands or wives – the dove flies away. The moment we get irritated with the driver on the road ahead of us the dove flies away. The moment we gossip the dove flies away. Jesus never grieved the Holy Spirit, because He only did what God told Him to do. Nothing else, only that.
How do we keep the dove from staying away? Repent. We want the dove to stay with us.
As humans our flesh is week and we will grieve the Holy Spirit many times a day – but instant repentance and seeking forgiveness for the grievance – however small – that has caused Him to leave. If we repent quickly of these things then we will stay in the presence of the Holy Spirit more and more each day.
Now grieving the Holy Spirit does not mean you lose your salvation, but you do lose your anointing and without that anointing we can not be used powerfully by God to advance His kingdom.
If you know that you have done something, anything, to grieve or wound the Holy Spirit – repent. Ask God for His wonderful forgiveness and ask the Holy Spirit to remain with you again. And don’t wait too long to repent after you have done something, because the longer you leave it, the longer you put off receiving your anointing again, and the less God will be able to use you.
You see a dove is a shy, easily scared, easily grieved little bird. It is nothing like a pigeon who is belligerent. A dove is afraid of people, a pigeon is not. A dove will fly away if there is a sudden noise, a pigeon wont easily. You can train a pigeon, but not a dove.
Now the Dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit and RT said that the Holy Spirit is also as sensitive as the dove. He is easily wounded and easily grieved. When we feel the presence of the Holy Spirit with us we feel like that is the place where want to stay forever, but it doesn’t last long does it? Why? Because the moment we are curt with our husbands or wives – the dove flies away. The moment we get irritated with the driver on the road ahead of us the dove flies away. The moment we gossip the dove flies away. Jesus never grieved the Holy Spirit, because He only did what God told Him to do. Nothing else, only that.
How do we keep the dove from staying away? Repent. We want the dove to stay with us.
As humans our flesh is week and we will grieve the Holy Spirit many times a day – but instant repentance and seeking forgiveness for the grievance – however small – that has caused Him to leave. If we repent quickly of these things then we will stay in the presence of the Holy Spirit more and more each day.
Now grieving the Holy Spirit does not mean you lose your salvation, but you do lose your anointing and without that anointing we can not be used powerfully by God to advance His kingdom.
If you know that you have done something, anything, to grieve or wound the Holy Spirit – repent. Ask God for His wonderful forgiveness and ask the Holy Spirit to remain with you again. And don’t wait too long to repent after you have done something, because the longer you leave it, the longer you put off receiving your anointing again, and the less God will be able to use you.
You have been missed. I've not heard of this speaker before. I had never noticed the REMAIN part either. I was only talking to my husband about getting grumpy with other drivers this morning too. Yes it makes perfect sense, so tender, so gentle yet so powerful. How when we lose our sense of peace when we react in a certain way too. All fits in. How are you by the way?
Thank you for the writing. It was great. I was looking for an image of a dove for my desktop background =P as an image of the Holy Spirit... and I liked what you wrote. I would like to add, that also, the Holy Spirit never leaves us once we are baptized, unless of course (and I don't know how this works exactly) we seriously sin in such a way that sanctifying grace is lost in our soul. Until we repent and receive forgiveness, we're just waiting for the mercy of God. Anyways, what I am mostly trying to say, is that also, while the Holy Spirit remains with us, we must be free to let Him go as well. Jesus said, "recieve the Holy Spirit" and so I think at times He wants to be let go, and He will return. Doves can fly from your hand, then return to you as well, without their ever having "left you," if you get my drift. I think ministry, praying in tongues, or other expressions of the Spirit are ways that he "flies around." Thank you for listening. God bless, Joshua R.
RT Kendall is a hypocrite. Many people who sat under his ministry ended up getting into condemnation. He says alot of things that are true but when you get deep into his teaching your eyes are taken off God and you start to rely on your own efforts. Many people who were under his ministry got mentally and physically sick over time. You are better off reading Lloyd-Jones who was his predecessor. Lloyd-Jones instructed everyone that RT Kendall was not to attend his funeral. Go figure out for yourself why a great minister like Lloyd-Jones would request this as a dying wish.
Martin: We are ALL hypocrites. But I have to say that although I have not gotten to know RT Kendall personally I have only been blessed by his teachings. It is up to us to make sure that we make time to study the word on our own to find our own revelation as well because one cannot base your faith on someone else’s revelation. So while it is good to sit under the teachings of studied teachers – whoever they may be, it is important to do our own studying o f the word too. God gives us the gift of discernment and by studying the word for ourselves and spending time in prayer and in the presence of God we can develop that gift. I trust that our elders and leaders in our church have spent much time in prayer and meditation before inviting anyone to come and teach in our church. I am accountable for my own faith and I will not stand before the Lord one day and say that it was because of what RT Kendall said or what you said or what anyone else said or did – I will be accountable. And if I don’t take the time to study the word and spend time with the Lord then I will be susceptible to judgments and opinions. And it is also better to not judge those who have been called to teach, or anybody else, for as we judge so will we also be judged. And whatever Lloyd-Jones reasons were, it has nothing to do with me.
I am sorry you feel the way you do and I pray that you will be able to forgive RT Kendall for whatever it is he did that makes you think or feel this way about him.
If I read the sentenced correctly,Jesus did not described the Holy Spirit as a dove,but merely the action of the Holy Spirit decending on Jesus was as like that of a dove,or AM I wrong?
RT Kendall has plenty of time for beautiful young women and rich men or religious/political people who can further his sphere of influence and ultimately sell more of his books.. If you don’t fit in those categories you won’t have anything good to say about him. Oh, unless of course he has brainwashed you with his false piety and got you to believe his ungodly predestination teaching so that you believe people cannot chose how they want to live their lives and that God is incapable of changing his mind..- now that is a sin RT Kendall and Woe to those who cause one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better that a millstone be tied around his neck and he be thrown into the sea! and guess what.. God will sware on oath that people who go round deceiving others like this will NEVER ENTER HIS REST! I fear for RT Kendall that he has become like Esau.
My Bible tells me not to judge RT Kendall or any one else. Only GOD knows their salvation status. Fear for your own soul should be the issue here.
I have recently had many questions of GOD regarding my life and this has caused me great concern. One day I was on my balcony and noticed a dove up in the corner. It stayed there for quite some time and I spoke to it. A few days later it came back and I was shocked at how brave it was in my presence. Today there were two building a nest! I really love having them around and will be putting out seeds for them. I truly believe their presence to be a sign from GOD and I am grateful. I no longer question HIS plan for me.
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